Sunday, January 23, 2011

Right now im in Mexico, coming to the end of this journey..
Here you got some more doodles as always..
Hasta luego sweethearts!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Colours and stuff

Soooo, what we have here is an unfinnished drawing of the indians in Bolivia. The lovley Simone and Sandy whom I met on a boat sailing between Colombia and Panama. Some random doodles as usual and last but not least we have my favorite dude. He was staying in the same place as me in Costa Rica. This very strange man was eating 3 red peppers for breakfast and when we celebrated new years with this huuuge dinner he decided not to participate and ate a loaf of bread. He wastn very talkitive but when he finally spoke he said the most weird things and sometimes he would just stare into a wall for hours. On night when I was drinking some red wine and drawing some on the hostel when he sat down on the otherside of the table. Then he fell asleep and I decided to take the moment and draw him so I always would remember this strange little fellow.