Friday, February 24, 2017

So made a collab with the talented artist Robin in a camper on the way to Barcelona a couple of weeks ago. He just sent me the result this week, eventhough its not really finnised ikind of like it! I made the colorie part in the middle. And also a collaboration wall with the adorable Elina and Isak whitch we made this week. The face to the left is my part. Not overly happy with it but it was a nice experience.
Now we are om the beach the last clouple of days before returning home. Being eaten by mosquitos and sleeping in sweat. Lovely!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


One doodle one mural, two whitches
Been driving motorbike through the beautiful mountain roads around here the last two days. Also climbed a mountain called the rainbow mountain. Next projectb will be a mural in Lima.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

 So now the work shops has begin.
This friday we will finnish off the week by painting a mural of a school close by with three local artist. Should be good

Cusco is a really nice city with lots of vegan restaurants and surrounded by beatiful montains and today I will look around for somwhere to rent a motorbike for next week. I can imagine that the roads here would be amazing to ride with a motorbike

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Sweaty in Peru

 So Peru is hot. Really hot. And the projects we are doing here and the people that are involved seems really cool.
The wall below I made on the legal grafitti wall before I left Malmö.
Will post more relavant photos next post