Monday, March 26, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Its a violin you fool!

So what do we have here..
Im working on a patch blanket and then its a "made from leftover oilpaint random paiting/background to somthing thingie" and some cartoons.
Went to a Balkan concert yesterday(witch btw was awesome)and drank quite a few golden drops(Beer), so my brain is not really functioning today. Witch leads to me not writing such a long entry. Eventhough I never really do, come to think of it. haha, Anyhow. Happy sunday or somthing

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring is lurking behind the corner and Im gonna welcome it with open arms. Im sooo up for biking, chainsmoking and drinking coffe in the sun and yeah the sun pretty mutch. Got some doodles from krokin(dont know the english word for it)and some work in progress.
Other than that I hope you reading this is awesome and enjoying the sun as mutch as I do!
