Monday, June 18, 2012

What have Emma discovered latley you might ask. Emma have discovered that painting on the balcony is a splendid idea when you can both chain smoke and have an awesome light while painting. Also that oil paint dries slightly faster outside. The Emma is now going to make some bags and pimp some stuff before she leaves to work.

Over n out

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I bought myself a cheap wig in Spain. 3 Euros, bargain. Thinking about colouring my hair blue or maybe green. Why the hell not.

The exhibition went fab, got drunk, enjoyed the day, got a potential buyer but didnt want to sell. I have to realise that I have to sell my paintings in order to continue doing what Im doing. But its like my babies, I dont really want to get rid of them.  haha. Oh well.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

So the year of art studies is coming to its end. This saturday were having our final exhibition. Feels good though. Now I will just have time to work and enjoy the summer. Not running around between work and school like a stressed chicken. Even though its been awesome and Ive learn quite a few things.
Oh well what the hell. Hope youre awesome!
