Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Just started school and its fabulous! Having weird teachers that always are late for their classes and slightly confused all the time. My new found friend Rosa witch is 67 years old is in my class too, a awesome little lady who is taking the class for the third year round.
Just got an idea to make a painting thingie thingie made of some stencils and some blue couloured ciggarette butts. Lets see how that goes. Also had this dream the other night of the "perfect" painting, it was in pastels and quite horrible. Some shiny rock in a cave and stuff. Quite intresting. Still have it in my head. Might paint it.
My head is spinning like always, billion ideas, billion things happening and alot of changes. Lots of stuff filling my days and Im a happy pupp most of the time.

Hope your good too all you lovlies!

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