Thursday, January 16, 2014

Actions and consequences

Went to the movies the other day, was the only person under 50 in the whole theater.
Also noticed random old people expression popping out of my mouth latley.  Okey to be fair I have always had a certain  attraction to those phrases. But anyway. 

Only have one list on my spotify wich I consider being appropriate for playing at a restaurant around dinner time wich I intentionally named Rumsrent. I accidently put on another one the other day. Half At the gates with Slaughter of the soul managed to played before I noticed some eyes of horror from the old ladies in the corner. Typical.

Last couple of month Ive been in some kind of life crisis. Thinking of wich education I should choose,
wich country I want to live in, If I even want to study or just should create my own company and take over the world,
wich town to live in, wich people I should prioritate in my life and what the consequenses It might have. 

Maybe I think too much...

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