Ive been trying to draw a beautiful flawless woman face quite a few times recently, with long shiny locks and dashing lashes. But somehow they all end up being crooked unsymmetrical faces with monstrous eyes that stares back at me from the paper when Im finished.
When I was younger I always used to draw monsters and my mother always asked me why I always drew such ugly unappealing drawings hence to beautiful ones.
But they where appealing to me. I always found beauty in the ugly I guess.
Eventhough Im sort of a hypocrite when in my everyday life I love looking at pictures of beautiful people, painting my nails, looking in magazines and indulging in the patterns and the colours and wearing long flowery dresses and so on.
For a long time Ive tried to decide what beauty is to me, but truth to be told I dont know.
I guess its when you can transfer an emotion in a gracious way.
Usually I hate when people are all over pretentious and have a book long description of all their art. Cus I dont.
But somtimes I stop and think what the hell Im doing and what the meaning is of all this.
When it comes down to it everything is so simple really.
I like it, it makes me happy and somtimes it makes other people happy aswell.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say...
1 comment:
Hi..I was in busy bee bar a few months ago and i saw one of your pamphlet in the restroom and ever since I've been going through your blog..
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