Saturday, December 28, 2013

The moon and the gramophone

So christmas was fun. Fun but intense.
Been up with the sun, in the slopes all day and then finnished everyday with the sauna and massive amount of food. Look at healthy me.
Witch I of course compensated with huge quantaties of beer in the capital.

The mexican skull priest is an oldie witch I made in artschool two years back. Found it under a pile of crap the other day.
Been having a thing for cutting out pieces of my doodles and placing them on random stuff or pictures.

Also invested in some stencil paper. I have some visions of what I will try to accomplish with that. But that you will see in an upcoming entry

I have good blue eyed feelings about the year to come.
And this year has been awesome also. Started the first half in India and Nepal and the rest in Malmö. Where I meet some amazing new people. And I keep being inspired to create.

Next year I want to drive with my motorbike down to the shores of pourtogal and learn how to surf.


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